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Cov khoom

Kamada Hwj chim 12V 100Ah Sodium ion roj teeb

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

  • Qauv:12.8V 100Ah Sodium ion roj teeb
  • Qhov hnyav:13.5 KWG
  • Qhov Loj:266 * 168 * 209 hli
  • Daim ntawv pov thawj:CE/UN38.3/MSDS
  • Sodium ion roj teeb Manufacturers:Kamada zog
  • Hom roj teeb:Sodium Ion roj teeb
  • Cov yam ntxwv tseem ceeb:Kev ua haujlwm kub qis (-40 ℃ to 70 ℃), 3C Fast Charging (20 feeb,> 90% nqi peev), Bluetooth, Customized APP, IP67
  • Kev them nyiaj yug roj teeb:Lag luam wholesale, OEM.ODM 12V 100Ah Sodium ion roj teeb
  • Warranty:5 xyoo
  • Lub sij hawm xa tuaj:7-14 hnub rau cov qauv, 35-60 hnub rau cov khoom loj
  • Kamada Fais Fab Roj Teeb Khoom Txhawb Kev Lag Luam wholesale, Distributors thiab OEM ODM Custom Battery. ThovTiv tauj peb!

Product Detail


Khoom cim npe

Kamada Hwj chim 12v 100ah Sodium ion roj teeb

Kamada Fais Fab 12V 100Ah Sodium ion roj teeb nta


Equalization Function (Active lossis Passive Optional)

Active Equalization Function thiab Active Passive Optional-0

Kev cai Sodium ion roj teeb Voltage thiab muaj peev xwm

12.8V 50ah Sodium ion roj teeb 12.8V 200ah Sodium ion roj teeb 25.6V 100ah Sodium ion roj teeb
12.8V 100ah Sodium ion roj teeb 12.8V 300ah Sodium ion roj teeb 25.6V 150ah Sodium ion roj teeb
12.8V 150ah Sodium ion roj teeb 25.6V 300ah Sodium ion roj teeb 25.6V 200ah Sodium ion roj teeb
Ntau qhov Voltage thiab Peev Xwm Sodium ion Roj teeb tuaj yeem hloov kho

Khoom Taw Qhia

Dav Kub Kub: -40 ° C txog 70 ° C

Kamada Fais Fab 12V 100Ah Sodium-ion roj teeb ua tau zoo nyob rau hauv qhov kub thiab txias, los ntawm khov lub caij ntuj no mus rau scorching summers. Qhov kev ua tau zoo no ua kom muaj kev ua tau zoo ib yam hauv txhua qhov huab cua, tso cai rau cov neeg siv txaus siab rau kev ua si sab nraum zoov thiab mus ncig yam tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb txog kev ua haujlwm ntawm roj teeb.

High-Speed ​​Discharge & 3C Fast Charging

Peb 12V 100Ah sodium-ion roj teeb yog tsim rau RVs thiab marine daim ntaub ntawv, muab 3C ceev them ceev thiab ceev ceev. Nws khaws ntau dua 95% muaj peev xwm thaum lub sij hawm txuas ntxiv 3C tso tawm thiab them rau ntau dua 90% hauv li 20 feeb. Qhov no ua kom ntseeg tau lub zog rau RVs thiab cov nkoj hauv hiav txwv, txhawb kev ua haujlwm tau zoo thaum tsiv.

Bluetooth Real-Time saib xyuas

Nrog Bluetooth txuas, cov neeg siv tuaj yeem saib xyuas lawv lub roj teeb hauv lub sijhawm ntawm lub app. Cov yam ntxwv no txhim kho kev nyab xeeb, txhim kho kev siv hluav taws xob zoo, thiab ua kom yooj yim txij nkawm cov cuab yeej, ua rau nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau cov neeg siv RV.

Sab nrauv zaub

Cov zaub sab nraud muab cov ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb thiab cov lus tawm tswv yim hauv lub sijhawm, pab RV cov neeg siv tswj cov roj teeb noj qab haus huv thiab txhim kho kev siv. Cov yam ntxwv no ua kom ntseeg tau lub zog txhawb nqa thiab ua haujlwm tau zoo lossis siv txhua hnub.

Txhawb 4 Parallel Roj teeb

Kev sib txuas mus txog 4 thaum uas tig mus 12V 100Ah sodium-ion roj teeb txhawb nqa lub peev xwm, lub zog tso zis, thiab kev ntseeg tau ntawm lub cev. Nws kuj muaj cov kev xaiv nthuav dav, txhim kho kev tswj fais fab thiab kev siv tau tag nrho.

Txhim khu kev qha BMS System Ultra Safey

Kamada Fais Fab Roj Teeb BMS

Lub Kamada Power sodium ion roj teeb BMS ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb nyob rau hauv qhov kub thiab txias, tiv thaiv overcharging thiab over-discharging, txuas lub roj teeb lub neej, thiab muab kev ua tau zoo nrog kev them nqi thiab tawm. Nws kuj suav nrog kev tiv thaiv overcurrent thiab luv luv Circuit Court rau kev nyab xeeb, muab cov neeg siv kev xaiv rau kev ua kom nquag plias lossis tsis sib npaug los txhim kho roj teeb kev ua haujlwm thiab lub zog ua haujlwm.

Kamada Fais Fab 12v 100ah Sodium ion Battery VS Lead-Acid Battery thiab Lithium Ion Battery


Kamada Fais Fab 12v 100ah Sodium Ion Roj teeb rau huab cua huab cua (-40 ℃ to 70 ℃)


Kamada Fais Fab 12v 100Ah Sodium ion roj teeb ua tau zoo nyob rau hauv qhov chaw huab cua, ua haujlwm txhim khu kev qha daim ntawv -40 ℃ to 70 ℃. 85% muaj peev xwm tuav tau.


Kamada Fais Fab 12v 100Ah Sodium ion Battery 3 Txoj Kev Them


Generator:Ntxiv 20A DC rau DC Charger: 5 teev

MPPT:Hnub ci vaj huam sib luag + Pom zoo> 400W Hauv 1 hnub ci

Charger:12V 20A Sodium ion Battery Charger: 5 teev

Kamada Fais Fab 12v 100Ah Sodium Ion Battery hauv Series thiab Parallel

Kamada Fais Fab 12v 100Ah Sodium Ion Battery hauv Series thiab Parallel-0004

Nyob rau hauv Parallel (txog 4p):12V 400Ah 4.8 kWh

Hauv Series (txog 4s):48V 100Ah 4.8 kWh


Kamada Fais Fab 12V 100Ah Sodium ion roj teeb Daim ntawv thov Scenario

kamada fais fab 12v 100ah sodium ion roj teeb daim ntawv thov scenario

12v 100Ah Sodium ion roj teeb Daim ntawv thov: Lub tsheb ua si, khau raj & nuv ntses, hnub ci & cua zog, mus pw hav zoov, Off-Grid Application


Vim li cas thiaj xaiv Kamada Fais Fab OEM ODM Koj Cov Khoom Siv Roj Teeb Sodium ion?

Koj tsis tas yuav txhawj xeeb txog cov teeb meem kev cai roj teeb no!
Tsis tuaj yeem ua tau raws li koj cov kev cai roj teeb, lub sijhawm ua haujlwm ntev, lub sijhawm xa khoom qeeb, kev sib txuas lus tsis zoo, tsis muaj kev lees paub zoo, cov khoom lag luam tsis sib tw, thiab kev pabcuam tsis zoo yog cov teeb meem no!

Lub zog ntawm professionalism!
Peb tau txais kev pabcuam ntau txhiab tus neeg siv roj teeb los ntawm ntau qhov kev lag luam thiab kho ntau txhiab cov khoom siv roj teeb! Peb paub qhov tseem ceeb ntawm kev sib txuas lus tob ntawm cov kev xav tau, peb paub cov khoom siv roj teeb los ntawm kev tsim los rau kev tsim khoom loj ntawm ntau yam kev sib tw thiab teeb meem, thiab yuav ua li cas sai thiab daws tau cov teeb meem no!

Txhim kho cov kev daws teeb meem roj teeb zoo!
Hauv kev teb rau koj cov kev xav tau roj teeb, peb tshwj xeeb yuav muab lub roj teeb technology pab pawg los muab kev pabcuam 1-rau-1 rau koj. Sib txuas lus nrog koj nyob rau hauv-tob txog kev lag luam, scenarios, yuav tsum tau, mob cov ntsiab lus, kev ua tau zoo, functionality, thiab tsim kev cai roj teeb daws.

Fast kev cai roj teeb ntau lawm tus me nyuam!
Peb yog agile thiab ceev ceev los pab koj ua tiav los ntawm cov khoom siv roj teeb tsim, rau roj teeb sampling, roj teeb khoom loj ntau lawm. Ua tiav cov khoom tsim sai, kev tsim khoom sai thiab kev tsim khoom, kev xa khoom sai thiab kev xa khoom xa tuaj, zoo tshaj plaws thiab Hoobkas nqi rau cov roj teeb kev cai!

Pab koj ceev nrooj tuav lub zog cia roj teeb ua lag luam lub sijhawm!
Kamada Power pab koj sai sai ua tiav cov khoom siv roj teeb sib txawv, txhim kho cov khoom sib tw, thiab pab koj sai sai ntes cov hlau lead hauv kev lag luam roj teeb lub zog.

Shenzhen Kamada Electronic Co., Ltd
Kamada Power Exhibition

Kamada fais fab Exhibition Shenzhen Kamada Electronic Co Ltd

Kamada fais fab roj teeb Manufacturers Certification

Kamada fais fab roj teeb Manufacturers Certification

Kamada Fais Fab Sodium ion Roj Teeb Chaw tsim khoom Hoobkas tsim cov txheej txheem

Kamada-Power-Lithium-ion-Battery-Tuam Tshoj-Factory-Production-Process 02

Kamada fais fab roj teeb Manufacturers

Kamada Fais Fab Lithium ion roj teeb Manufacturers Factory Show

Kamada Power Battery Factory tsim txhua yam ntawm oem odm customized roj teeb kev daws teeb meem: lub tsev hnub ci roj teeb, roj teeb lub tsheb qis (golf roj teeb, RV roj teeb, lead-hloov lithium roj teeb, roj teeb lub laub, roj teeb forklift), marine roj teeb, roj teeb lub nkoj , high-voltage roj teeb, stacked roj teeb,Sodium ion roj teeb,industrial thiab coj mus muag zog cia systems

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Qauv NWS 12100 NWS 12200
    Roj teeb
    Hom Cell Sodium-ion (Na-ion)
    Nominal voltage 12,0v 0
    Ua haujlwm Voltage Range 8.0 ~ 15.6V
    Rated Peev Xwm 100 Aw 200 Aw
    Nominal Zog 1200 Wh 2400 Aw
    Internal Resistance ≤ 50 mΩ ≤30mΩ
    Lub neej voj voog ≥4,000 Lub voj voog @ 80% DOD 25 ℃ (0.5C / 0.5C)
    Max.Expansion 6P4S (Parallel & Series)
    Chav kawm tiv thaiv IP65
    Warranty 5 Xyoo
    BMS 200 A 400 A
    Max. Nruam Charge Current 100 A 200 A
    Max. Nruam tawm tam sim no 200 A 400 A
    Tshem Tawm Tawm Tawm Voltage 8V
    Txoj kev them nqi CC/CV
    Charge Voltage ≤ 15.6V
    Standard Charging Tam sim no 0.5c ua
    Ceev ceev tam sim no 1C
    Standard Discharge Current 0.5c ua
    Ceev Discharge Tam Sim No 2C
    Terminal Hom M8 Bolt
    Qhov Loj (L * W * H) 3.0 * 6.8 * 8.7 nyob rau hauv / 330 * 172 * 220mm 25.2 * 9.6 * 8.7 nti / 640 * 245 * 220 hli
    Qhov hnyav 33.1 lbs./15 kg 66.1 lbs. / 30 kg
    Case Material ABS (Flame Retardant Yas)
    Them nqi -10 ℃ ~ 50 ℃ / 14 ℃ ~ 122 ℃
    Tso tawm -30 ℃ ~ 70 ℃ / -22 ℃ ~ 158 ℃
    Cia -25 ℃ ~ 45 ℃ / -13 ℃ ~ 113 ℃
    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb